Babies Heart Fund Gala

Please join us for the 35th Annual Babies Heart Fund Gala on Wednesday, February 26, 2025!

The Babies Heart Fund supports pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery research that leads to breakthroughs in care for children with complex heart conditions, in our local community and around the globe. Columbia’s physician-scientists are world leaders in developing novel ways to treat and save children, and funding from the Babies Heart Fund accelerates innovation.

This year, Columbia’s Gala will honor the Roskind Family for their unwavering dedication to the Babies Heart Fund mission and community. The Babies Heart Fund was founded by Robert “Bob” and Diane Roskind almost forty years ago following their nine-year-old son’s successful second heart surgery by Columbia surgeons. Other Roskind family members quickly joined Bob and Diane in their mission to advocate for research on congenital heart defects (CHD). Today, three generations of Roskinds continue the legacy started by Bob and Diane, raising funds and awareness and inspiring others to support treatments and cures for CHD. Join us at the Gala to honor the Roskind Family and their decades of dedication to children with heart disease.

For questions and further information, please contact us at or 212-304-7222.

Babies Heart Fund Council and Gala Leadership

Gala Committee

Lisa Detwiler, Chair

Ashley Balaban
Kelly Connor
Michelle Diliberto
Kara Gerson
Alexandra Gralton
Patricia Grayson
Elizabeth Moran    
Ellen Oppenheim
Nancy Roskind
Haley Walsh

Babies Heart Fund Leadership

John Minio
Scott Roskind

Lisa Detwiler, Gala, Research
Michael Diliberto, Outreach
Michelle Diliberto, Stewardship
Evan Licht, Corporate Partnerships

Brett Carrey
Tyler Fischer
Kara Gerson
Cynthia Godsoe, Esq.
Patricia Grayson
Thomas Irwin
Elizabeth Moran
Michael Moran
Ellen Oppenheim
Eric Pitt
Beatrice Riccardo
Lorenzo Sargenti
Louis V. Sorsaia
Allison Stabile
Christian Wall
Maggie Wall

Emile A. Bacha, MD
Matthew A. Crystal, MD
Christopher J. Petit, MD

E. Robert Roskind
Diane Roskind