Activities and Events

Frontline Report: COVID-19 and Women’s Health

The coronavirus pandemic pushed New York City and its medical institutions to limits never before seen. The Frontline Report: COVID-19 and Women’s Health chronicles the day-by-day strategies, reflections, and data that guided the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology through the spring of 2020. Its pages document how the department cared for and protected the physical and mental health of their patients and staff; and the clinical, research, and protective practices that were put in place in the early weeks of the pandemic.

Click Here to View the Frontline Report

Wine & Gyn

Wine and Gyn is a series of expert-led conversations about women’s health, fertility, and how to plan for the future. These sessions bring together Columbia's expert physician-scientists to address the most pressing issues in Women's Health, answer questions, and inform attendees on the latest developments here at CUIMC.

The last Wine and Gyn took place on October 21, 2020, and featured an update on COVID-19 and a conversation on perimenopause and menopause. Please continue to check back in for an update on when the next event will take place!


DocTalks: Comprehensive Women's Health Care

Hosted by Columbia University Irving Medical Center, DocTalks is a lecture and discussion series that offers our closest partners access to Columbia’s frontline experts in healthcare and medical research. Our experts will give you the tools you need to understand your health.

The December 3, 2019, DocTalks session focused on Comprehensive Women's Health Care. The multidisciplinary panel of Columbia faculty discussed key areas of women’s health, how they intersect, and how these intersections  inform strategies for successful aging, longevity, and wellness.  Columbia's experts provide clinical and research insights, practical everyday tips, and highlight how women can optimize their health at any age. If you were unable to attend, you can view the entire panel in the video below.
